Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy

Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy is a small, public alternative elementary school located in the heart of the Castro District - San Francisco. We are dedicated to achieving academic excellence, teaching tolerance and nonviolence, celebrating diversity, and building a strong family - school - community connection.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Seeing as you Walk

This walk is wonderful for so many reasons, one being the ability to actually have the opportunity to intake how communities and landscapes change depending on what the main source of work people are doing to keep our society pumping along. 

If you decide to walk with us you will  have a chance to see farm areas, wealthy areas, industrial areas, impoverished areas, delta areas, suburban areas, and 'you name it areas'.  

One thing great about all the various areas is the sky above them is blue, the sun is bright-shiny-hot, the wind blows (although in the heat it is hard to tell), and all the people (self included) need one another in some way or another.  

Needing one another is kinda like this walk....it has taken many a meetings, lots of communicating, and lots of energy and time from lots of folks.

This ed-walk is about all of us.........your kids, her kids, his kids, their kids, every kid having a chance to get a solid public education.


Blogger sande said...

Well, I am on the eve of returning from my month long vacation to Milwaukee (my mother) and North Carolina (my daughter and grandaughter) and while I have been connected to folks through email and phone, at the moment I feel much more connected to family than school. Yet, with Laila growing smarter and learning more every day, I feel closely connected to a growing intense anger and disbelief at our country's lack of focus on public quality education for all. I am committed to this walk to raise the issue of what we stand for and do every day at Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy - teach!
Of course, I am not at all prepared and have only eaten more and walked less over the last 4 weeks. So I will be pushing myself in ways my body won't even recognize anymore. I am truly greatful for all the support and help that has come through for this walk but every where I go, when I talk about the issue of public education there are people concerned about what is happening! Its a great big elephant in the room and little is being addressed at the level of outrage, yet that is what people feel. I will be back Monday, ready to rock (oops, I mean walk!). Excited!

July 26, 2008 at 7:41 PM  

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